accountingcpd blog

  1. Women in accounting: Continuing to break the glass ceiling

    On International Women’s Day 2023 we are celebrating the fantastic work they are doing to help push the industry forward.

  2. A Global Baseline for Sustainability Reporting Frameworks

    What does 2023 hold for the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)?

  3. How can Accountants help SMEs with the sustainability agenda?

    Should SMEs be doing more for the environment?

  4. Cop27 and Sustainability Reporting

    Discover the key outcomes of Cop27 and what the future may hold for sustainability reporting.

  5. IFAC Publishes Action Plan to Fight Fraud

    Find out more about IFAC's action plan to fighting fraud.

  6. Does the end always justify the means?

    Explore this case concerning Glencore and how it questions ethical behaviour in the business world.