accountingcpd blog

  1. Networking on social media as an accountant

    Networking is key for building professional relationships. While many turn to social media for this, it can both help and hinder your professional...

  2. Decline in HMRC's Customer Service Performance

    HMRC has been facing increasing criticism, especially when it comes to customer service standards.

  3. Collaborative Communication in Accounting

    As accountants, whether in business or in practice, we need to hone our communication skills.

  4. Is Rachel Reeves an Economist?

    Alan Nelson answers one of the most frequently searched terms that lead people to accountingcpd. Is Rachel Reeves an economist?

  5. WGA and Audit Issues

    In December the National Audit Office took an unprecedented step in refusing to sign off the Whole of Government Accounts for 2022/23.

  6. The Role of Mergers and Acquisitions

    The Accountancy Age Top 50+50 firms was published recently and it is clear that M&A activity played a pivotal role in shaping the list in 2024.