accountingcpd blog

  1. 3 Similarities in CPD Requirements Worldwide

    CPD requirements for chartered accountants around the world vary significantly. However, there are some key common themes and similarities that...

  2. Verifiable vs Non-Verifiable CPD

    What makes a CPD activity verifiable or non-verifiable, and what does the distinction mean for the activities we must undertake and the records...

  3. 3 barriers to effective CPD and how to overcome them

    Discover the top 3 barriers to completing CPD and how you can overcome them.

  4. Thinking about CPD for the year ahead

    Why is CPD planning important for accountants?

  5. The Six Dimensions of Learning and Development for the Sustainable Business and Finan ...

    This blog takes a detailed look at ACCA’s 6 dimensions of learning and development

  6. ICAEW moving to hours based CPD system

    Last week, ICAEW completed a consultation exercise into proposed changes in their CPD policy. Find out more here.