accountingcpd blog

  1. Professional Scepticism and Cognitive Bias: A Challenge for Every Finance Professional

    Professional scepticism, or the lack of it, has long been acknowledged as a major issue in audit quality. But are the lessons being applied...

  2. No Over-reaction to Inflation Figures

    It looks like inflation and it feels like inflation but is it inflation? The recent release of inflation figures by the ONS, showing a rise...

  3. German Banks Face Tax Scandal

    While the UK focuses on 2017's General Election, Germany faces a major scandal.An international group of bankers, lawyers and stockbrokers,...

  4. Tax Avoidance: The Next Steps

    Its clear that public opinion in the UK has moved from tax avoiders being seen as slightly glamorous bad boys, to a situation where there is...

  5. SMEs, Growth and the Role of Accountants

    In the current climate of post referendum uncertainty, accountants may hold the key to sustaining growth through the support they provide to...

  6. IFRS Update: 2 Trillion of New Balance Sheet Assets and Liabilities

    The new IFRS 16 looks set to have a major impact. So what it is all about? In this blog Alan Nelson looks at the new standard and how it will...