The Team
The Team
Accounting expertise
All our CPD resources are designed specifically for accountants and written by experts in their field.

Wayne is an internationally acclaimed speaker and trainer on
all aspects of public and private sector accounting and
auditing standards. He has been instrumental in helping to
develop the profession internationally and has taken lead
roles in the development of new professional bodies and the
accounting profession in Mozambique and Rwanda, and has been
extensively involved in developing financial reporting in many
countries across the globe.
Wayne Bartlett

After qualifying (ICAEW), Lisa spent several years in audit
practice with Deloitte and was part of the national audit
training faculty at KPMG. Since leaving practice, Lisa has
worked in a variety of education-focused roles, including
executive education and has maintained strong links with the
accountancy professional bodies.
Lisa Weaver

Steve is Director at Leavitt Walmsley Assoicates, a firm of
Chartered Certified Accountants. He is an internationally
recognised speaker, writer and commentator on all matters to
do with financial reporting and auditing. Steve is a prolific
author, having written over 25 books and currently represents
the North West of England on ACCA痴 Practice Network Panel.
Steve Collings

John is a Chartered Accountant who has spent many years
advising small and medium-sized businesses across the North of
England. John is the author of two industry standard
textbooks: Millichamp - Auditing and
Forensic Accounting. He has also written several
auditing textbooks for AAT courses.
John Taylor

Andy Davis is a writer on investment, finance and business. He
spent 15 years as a journalist on the Financial Times where he
held a series of senior roles including editor of FT Weekend.
Andy writes for a range of financial publications and is a
columnist for Review. He has been named Personal Financial
Journalist of the year in the Wincott Awards.
Andy Davis

After a successful career as a head of internal audit, Ben
changed tack to work with accountants, finance professionals
and teams on their personal effectiveness. He is now a
director and lead consultant with Aspire Consulting Solutions,
a business supporting individuals and teams to improve overall
organisational performance.
Ben Rawal
Learner support
Our dedicated learner support team are always here to help. Answering questions and making sure you池e satisfied.

I'm Jadyn, and I'm here to support our learners in every way I can! If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out悠'm always delighted to help.
When I'm not hard at work, I love to play video games, watch anime and sports.
Learner support

I知 Sachiko. I am on hand to support all our learners. Can稚 find a course? I can help! Trouble logging in? I can help! I知 here to answer your questions and assist you.
In my spare time, I enjoy practising my Spanish, dancing and cooking.
Learner support

I知 Anna. I am always happy to help learners with any questions or queries they might have. There痴 no such thing as a bad question, so come and ask me!
I love to cook, cross-stitch and play Dungeons and Dragons.
Learner support

I'm Aaron. I am here to make sure you know all about the different types of brilliant CPD on offer, so you can enjoy a varied learning experience and grow as an accountant. Let me know if you have any questions!
Outside of work I love reading and reviewing books, going to gigs, and playing chess.
Learner support
E-learning expertise
This is the team who bring our online learning to life and make your CPD experience the best it can be.

I知 Jordan. I create everything video, from our interview style sessions with our experts to visually driven topic explainers.
I dabble in recreational drone flying and lounging in my hammock (weather permitting).

I知 Joe. I build and edit our courses. I love working with our authors to make sure our content is the best it can be.
In my spare time, I enjoy prestige television, magazines, and red wine.
Content editor

I知 Katy. I focus on developing the learning experience, turning content from authors into effective online CPD for our many update programmes and pathways.
In my spare time I read. A lot. I also love hill walking, aerial yoga and ballet.
Head of Production
Latest technologies
The tech geniuses who work behind the screen covering everything from cyber security to evolving accountingcpd alongside the latest advancements in digital technology.

I知 Hamish. I create the interactive graphics and design our CPD. I also come up with new ideas to keep our courses looking fresh and enhance our learners' experience.
I enjoy designing tee shirts and collecting retro video games.
Learning UX & graphic design

I知 Sam. I build new technical features to keep our site up-to-date and analyse our data to spot potential issues and improvements.
On the weekends I like to read and visit art galleries.
Database engineer

I知 Will. I work together with our e-learning and design teams to build engaging user interfaces for our courses.
I enjoy sailing and scuba diving.
Lead Front End Developer

I知 Rob. I build and maintain the responsiveness of our website and courses. I want to create the most effective and engaging learner experience possible in all our CPD.
In my spare time, I enjoy coming up with bits of music in GarageBand.
Front End Developer
Every team needs a leader. These are the people who have guided accountingcpd from its beginning to where it is now and continue to innovate and improve the CPD we provide.

I知 Alan. As MD of the company I get involved in all our activities. I am particularly excited about creating interactive and collaborative learning experiences.
I love to watch basketball and support Crystal Palace.
Alan Nelson
Founder and Managing Director

I知 Nicola. I take care of new business developments and licence holder experience. If you池e looking to take the hassle out of CPD for your organisation or team, I can help with that.
I am generally found in the Yorkshire countryside with either my dog or my horse.
Nicola Dann
Business Development

I知 Jacqui. I manage projects, organise content, take care of our professional body partners and, of course, promote our online CPD.
In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, volunteering, theatre and spending time with my family.
Jacqui Nelson

I知 Rachel. I shape and deliver the CPD programme. I research the market and work with authors to make informed decisions about the areas most important to accountants, so our learners are getting the CPD they need.
I love running, cooking and reading novels.
Rachel Bruce
Head of Publishing