accountingcpd blog

  1. Theresa May Gives Research and Development Boost With 2 Billion Pound Investment

    On Monday (21st Nov) the Prime Minister announced that she wants to make Britain the 'go-to place for innovators and investors'. A welcome development...

  2. Think Strategically and Overcome Challenges

    In a time of economic ambiguity, it is important to be able to develop techniques for dealing with uncertainty and change. In a challenging...

  3. Tax Avoidance: The Next Steps

    Its clear that public opinion in the UK has moved from tax avoiders being seen as slightly glamorous bad boys, to a situation where there is...

  4. The Thin Line Between Tax Avoidance and Evasion

    In reading it though, in 2016, with intense heat generated by revelation of major avoidance schemes used by global corporations to mitigate...

  5. Adding Value to Data - Olympic Style

    Accounting and finance professionals are no strangers to sharing numerical data. But that doesn't mean it's an easy task, especially if the...

  6. Managing Stress At Work

    Accountancy can be a volatile world, so it's not surprising we all feel stressed at times. In this blog we look at tips on how to manage stress.